MOPA's Bylaws & Election Process
MOPA Bylaws
The bylaws have been voted on by the MOPA membership and serve as the guiding "constitution" for our organization.
Click Here for the MOPA Bylaws
How are Board positions filled?
Nominee Process:
- As positions become open the Board votes among themselves to present to the membership their nominee to fill the position.
- Leading up to the opening of a Board position nominations are accepted from the membership at large for their nominees.
- Members may nominate any active member who is in good standing.
- The members nominations are counted and whichever Member Nominee has the most votes then becomes the Member's Nominee.
Election Process:
- Once nominations are completed the Board's Nominee along with the Member's Nominee is presented to the membership at large for a vote.
- Nominees receiving the majority vote are then considered elected to the position.
- Those elected members are presented to the membership for installation.
Questions? Please contact our Executive Director for more information.