About the Webinar:
In this workshop, you’ll learn a groundbreaking framework for integrating multicultural considerations into psychotherapy. The framework begins with the ADDRESSING acronym which highlights marginalized communities related to Age and generational influences, Developmental or other Disability, Religion and spirituality, Ethnic and racialized identity, Socioeconomic status, Sexual orientation, Indigenous heritage, National origin, and Gender. You will learn six absolute essentials for culturally responsive practice, and how to use the Cultural Self-Assessment to pinpoint your learning edges. You’ll acquire practical, strengths-oriented strategies to ensure accurate, helpful, and culturally responsive assessments. And you will learn practical strategies, tools, and techniques for facilitating culturally responsive therapy. Specific tools include the Personal Strengths Inventory, Compassion Voice, Wise Elder, the Most Generous Interpretation Technique, and more.
Course objectives:
Course objectives:
- Apply the ADDRESSING framework to increase your understanding of and connection to clients of diverse identities
- Analyze your own ongoing Cultural Self-Assessment.
- Create a Personal Strengths Inventory for clients that recognizes culturally based strengths and supports.
- Implement at least three cognitive, behavioral, or interpersonal tools and techniques to facilitate treatment success.